International Scientific Activity of Shostka Institute of Sumy State University
Jean Monnet 2020 European Grant 620065-EPP-1-2020-1-EN-EPPJMO-MODULE on subject “The Application of Integrated Communications for Informing the Community on the Issues of European integration and e-democracy”
Lecturers at the Department of Economics and Management of Shostka Institute of Sumy State University have been implementing the Jean Monnet module “The Application of Integrated Communications for Informing the Community on the Issues of European integration and e-democracy” since September 2020.
Project team:
Jean Monnet Program is one of the European Union’s educational programs aimed at raising the level of knowledge and awareness of society in the EU and beyond on European integration, by stimulating teaching, research on European integration, including the EU’s relations with other countries, and interpersonal and intercultural dialogue.
Erasmus + is an EU program to support the development of education, youth and sport. This program helps to exchange students, teachers and scientists from EU member states, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Turkey and Ukraine. Erasmus + provides the opportunity to study, do internships, work in transnational partnerships and share innovative practices in various fields, or teach in a participating country. Erasmus + is considered the most successful educational program in the European Union and an important tool in the fight against unemployment.
Within the framework of Jean Monnet program the European Union allocates funds to universities to start teaching disciplines related to European integration and the development of research in this area. In general disciplines concern the development of the European community, European law, European economy, European politics, the history of European integration, and so on.